There's no way you're telling me that kids have been getting smarter over the last 30 years.
When I took my A-levels in 1988 most of us were doing 3 A-levels and a handful in the year did 4, and believe me they had to work their nuts off to fit it all in.
So how is it that it seems almost compulsory to do 4 and only the thick-o's do 3?
I truly believe standards have dropped.
I heard yesterday that someone with three 'B's had no chance of getting a university place (except through clearing): in my day that was pretty good (though unlikely to get you into Oxbridge).
I couldn't get an 'A' in French and I was learning it from the age of 4!
And WTF is an A*?
Did they run out of letters of the alphabet? Suddenly everyone's getting an 'A' and we therefore need to separate the wheat (genius) from the chaff (merely clever bastards)?
A-levels are merely about whether you can handle higher concepts, as well as leading to your next level of academia. They teach you nothing about life, just how to take exams and regurgitate.
And no, I am not disregarding teachers in all this: they are a factor in this miraculous improvement of our kids' intelligence; but I seriously doubt there's a direct correllation.