Tuesday, 6 August 2013

A peer's angst can be received.

As it seems that Facebook is more suited for bragging about your holiday, how big your child's poo was or telling the internet every intimate detail of the contents of your coffee [and where you bought it], it seems that I'm better off just ranting here about what's bothering me. That way, if you actually give a shit about how truly fucked we are [politically & economically] then you might find someone who shares your views.
Am I the only one of my peers who actually worries about the state of the world? And when I say worry I mean "trying to bring it to people's attention so we can do something about it".
Are you all so buried in your day-to-day lives, head down and grinding away, that you can't look up and see the writing on the wall?
Or is it that you're hoping it'll all just "sort itself out"?
Reality check: it won't, not without your input.
My peers and friends are all intelligent people, able to think quite clearly for themselves. And yet it seems I'm the only one (well, almost - my mate Shaven does as well) wanting to use FB as a platform to raise awareness.
But I guess you're all too busy looking for coffee shops on your smart phone.

The Council, the Tax and the Bedroom

Bedroom Tax: there are 2 issues here.
  1. It's an illogical tax
  2. Disabled people in Council homes don't have to pay it
  1. That's Illogical: Council tenants pay rent, like everyone else, for the size of the property they're in (albeit at a much lower rate, but that's a rant for another day). If they're not working they claim Local Housing Allowance which is based on the number of occupants, not the number of bedrooms. Ergo, if there are 2 people in a 4-bedroom house, they're still only getting Benefits for themselves and will have to make up any rental deficiency; so why charge them for something they're not getting paid for anyway?
  2. Disabled support: The Government has made funds available to Councils so that people with special needs or modifications to their Council homes can stay where they are.  If, as reported in the media however, some are being turfed out then blame the Councils not the Government for not using the money they've been given specifically to help those in need!
Don't get me wrong: I hate, loathe and despise all the current forms of national and local Government as they are all bloated parasites.  But if you're going to point the finger, at least get your facts straight!

Don't bash the Bishop

The new archbishop of Canterbury wanted the church to set up Credit Unions to help those who need money avoid going to those thieving bastards like Wonga (5383% APR, WTF!?!?)
It then came out that the church's investments included a stake in Wonga.  Now, do you know exactly where your personal pension is invested? I seriously doubt it. So the media jumps down their throat for it, totally unfair.
At someone in a prominent position is trying to do something.
The last I heard the church has gone ahead with its plans. Well done, I say.