Thursday, 12 July 2012

Olympic Fail

The best of the best... of the best!The Olympics. 
Where athletes from all over the world gather to compete to see who's the best.
A bit like the World Championships really.
And the Commonwealth Games (yes, ok, that's only for Commonwealth countries, but still).
And Wimbledon...
And yet we make a huge deal out of it every 4 years, bulldozing houses that people were living in happily, thank-you-very-much (China).

Footing the bill
Adding insult to injury in the UK is that the whole country has paid for it and yet the only people really benefitting from it are property owners in the East End and legitemised ticket-touts re-selling VIP tickets for astronomical profits, profits which should rightly be in the Public Coffer.

Safe as Houses:
Which reminds me of another epic fail: the ticket lottery. What a joke.  Everyone in the UK should have been offered a [random] ticket or set of such. Then, when the option to buy said ticket is declined, at least the people who live here have a chance to go; not much to ask considering they paid for it already anyway!
G4S (aka Group 4 Securitas) have also announced they won't have enough [security] staff recruited.
Right, 'cos obviously the Olympics came out of nowhere and blind-sided them.

First, pass [me] the Torch:
Frankly, who the fuck cares? 
Obviously I do 'cos I'm moaning about it. But if I don't get this out of my system I may just explode.

- Hudsoid

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